What does enggak in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word enggak in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use enggak in Indonesian.

The word enggak in Indonesian means nope, no, not. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word enggak


adverb (informal "no")



Kalau kita dengan lemah bilang enggak dan kedengaran ragu, itu akan kelihatan.
If you meekly say no but sound indecisive, it will be obvious.



Itu keberuntungan yang sulit, enggak ketemu mama mu terlebih dahulu.
It was just tough luck, not being able to meet your mother first.

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”Aku enggak pernah asal percaya kalau ada yang bilang filmnya bagus, kecuali aku tahu orang itu prinsipnya sama denganku.” —Katrin.
“I never take someone’s recommendation unless I know for a fact that the person has the same values as I have.” —Caitlyn.
Aku jadi enggak suka sama penampilan dan perasaanku!
I was so unhappy with the way I looked and felt!
”BERHEMAT itu enggak asyik,” kata banyak orang.
“SAVING is a bore,” many say.
Akhirnya, orang tuaku betul-betul enggak percaya lagi sama aku!”
It got to the point where my parents couldn’t trust me with anything!”
makasih ya ko, klo gitu aku mau mandi dulu terus aku mau ke salon buat krimbat biar tambah cantik ntar. kok enggak dandan sendiri aja mar? males.. ribet, mendingan di salon, mudah dan cepat.
Thank you. I wanna take a shower now and go to the salon for a creambath to look beautiful later. Why don't you just do the make up by yourself? Too lazy for that.
Seorang pemuda bernama Gabriel Henriquez kadang-kadang menenggak banyak minuman keras pada akhir pekan sehingga ia tidak dapat datang ke penyulingan minyak tempat ia bekerja pada hari Senin paginya.
As a young man, Gabriel Henriquez would sometimes indulge in liquor on weekends, so that he could not show up for work at the oil refinery on Monday mornings.
”Tiap kali aku menyayat diri,” kata gadis bernama Jerrine, ”aku jadi kayak enggak terpengaruh sama keadaan sekitar dan merasa enggak perlu menyelesaikan masalahku.”
“Every time I cut myself,” says a girl named Jerrine, “I became almost unaware of my surroundings, and I imagined that I wouldn’t have to deal with my problems.”
Misalnya, seorang gadis usia 20 mengeluh, ”Papa enggak tahu lagi keadaanku.
For example, a 20-year-old girl laments: “My father doesn’t know about anything going on in my life anymore.
Sewaktu dia ingin putus, dia enggak berani ngomong.
When he wanted to end the relationship, he couldn’t even face me.
Enggak, cuma anak tetangga.
That was just the kid next door.
" Setelah menenggak sekali atau dua kali. "
" After downing a peg or two. "
□ Keluargaku enggak akan punya cukup uang untuk makan.
□ My family won’t have enough money to survive.
No, I don't.
Enggak tuh.
No, you're not.
Dia kedinginan atau lapar, enggak?
Is it cold or hungry?
”Tahu enggak, Anda berjuang di pihak yang salah,” ujar seorang saudara kepada Lembit.
“Look! You fought on the wrong side,” a brother pointed out to Lembit.
Aku enggak bisa terima, dan aku bersikap dingin sama ibu tiriku.
I refused to accept the situation and treated her coldly.
Esther: ”Aku berusaha cari tahu mengapa aku begitu gundah, tapi enggak bisa.
Esther: “I was trying to figure out why I felt so down, and I couldn’t.
”Kalau orang tua enggak konsisten, anak bakal mengira bahwa Papa dan Mama sulit ditebak, dan bahwa keputusan mereka bergantung pada suasana hati mereka.
“If parents aren’t consistent, the child will think that Dad and Mom are unpredictable, that their decisions depend on their mood.
Kalaupun mereka tahu, mereka tidak akan menyangka bahwa saya mungkin sudah menenggak berliter-liter anggur atau bir —bahkan dicampur dengan vodka!
Even then, no one had any idea that I had perhaps downed several liters of wine or beer —and mixed with vodka at that!
Aku enggak apa-apa.
I'm fine.
Enggak kok, Ma,” kata Rachel sambil mendesah, dengan mimik bosan.
Nothing, Mom,” Rachel says with a sigh, rolling her eyes.
(1 Korintus 15:33) Misalnya, gadis bernama Leanne berkata, ”Aturanku begini: Kalau aku enggak kenal dia, aku enggak akan terima ajakan pertemanannya.
(1 Corinthians 15:33) For example, a young woman named Leanne says: “My policy is this: If I don’t know you, I don’t accept your friend request.
Sekali kita mengucapkan hal yang menyakitkan, kita enggak bisa menariknya kembali.” —James.
Once we say something hurtful, we can’t take it back.” —James.
”Mereka enggak mikirin kami. Mereka enggak mau peduli.”
“They didn’t really think about us and how what they did would affect us.”

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.