What does eceng gondok in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word eceng gondok in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use eceng gondok in Indonesian.

The word eceng gondok in Indonesian means water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes, Eichhornia spesiosa, water orchid. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word eceng gondok

water hyacinth


Eceng gondok adalah tanaman air yang berbunga indah berwarna ungu.
The water hyacinth is an aquatic plant that produces a beautiful purple flower.

Eichhornia crassipes


Eichhornia spesiosa


water orchid


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Masyarakat nelayan terpaksa menyingkirkan eceng gondok itu sendiri dengan membabat ribuan ton.
Fishing communities have resorted to removing the weed manually, harvesting thousands of tons.
Eceng gondok adalah tanaman air yang berbunga indah berwarna ungu.
The water hyacinth is an aquatic plant that produces a beautiful purple flower.
Kedua, keringkan batang eceng gondok.
Secondly, you dry the water hyacinth stems.
Saya melihat perahu-perahu nelayan yang dikepung oleh hamparan eceng gondok yang (tumbuh) rapat.
It was an image of fishing boats that had been hemmed in by dense mats of water hyacinth.
Dan dengan demikian membantu masyarakat melihat eceng gondok secara berbeda.
Thereby, helping the communities to see water hyacinth in a different light.
Tanaman ini dikenal sebagai eceng gondok dan nama ilmiahnya adalah Eichhornia crassipes.
The plant is known as water hyacinth and its botanical name, Eichhornia crassipes.
Eceng gondok dari Amerika Selatan telah menyebar ke 50 negara tropis, merusak saluran air serta menghancurkan kolam ikan.
The water hyacinth from South America has spread to 50 tropical countries, where it blocks canals and destroys fish ponds.
Baunya seperti melati atau eceng gondok atau sesuatu.
Smells like jasmine or hyacinth or something.
Dan itulah awal perjalanan saya untuk belajar merajut dan mengubah batang eceng gondok kering menjadi tali panjang.
And that began my journey of learning how to weave and transform these dried water hyacinth stems into long ropes.
Yang lebih merusak danau itu adalah eceng gondok, tumbuhan air terapung yang berbunga indah berwarna ungu.
Adding to the lake’s woes is the water hyacinth, a floating weed that produces a beautiful purple flower.
Melihat eceng gondok sebagai tanaman yang bernilai, indah, tahan lama, kuat, dan fleksibel.
Seeing water hyacinth as being valuable, being aesthetic, being durable, tough, resilient.
Eceng gondok menutupi perairan Shanghai seperti karpet hijau tebal.
Water hyacinth coat the waterways of Shanghai in a thick green carpet.
Dari beberapa manfaat eceng gondok, ada satu yang membuat saya terkesan. yaitu penggunaannya untuk kerajinan.
Out of the several, one struck me the most. It was the use of the plant for handicrafts.
Ketiga, rajut eceng gondok menjadi produk.
And thirdly, you weave the water hyacinth into products.
Misalnya, bunga lainnya, seperti eceng gondok, juga memiliki harga tinggi pada bunganya diperkenalkan, yang kemudian juga jatuh secara dramatis.
For example, other flowers, such as the hyacinth, also had high initial prices at the time of their introduction, which immediately fell.
Eceng gondok telah menimbulkan problem serius atas perairan Uganda serta pabrik-pabrik hidroelektrik karena menyumbat pipa-pipa persediaan air.
It has caused serious problems for Uganda’s water and hydroelectric plants by clogging the pipes that supply water.
Meskipun kumbang moncong yang gemar makan eceng gondok telah diterjunkan, sejauh ini mereka belum dapat menyaingi kepesatan pertumbuhan tanaman itu.
While weevils that feed exclusively on hyacinths have been introduced, so far they have been unable to keep pace with the plant’s explosive growth.
”Di antaranya, mereka telah mengalahkan gulma super di air [eceng gondok] yang membunuh ikan, menghalangi perahu, dan mengubah ekologi danau.”
“Between them, they have overpowered an aquatic superweed [water hyacinth] that kills fish, interferes with boats and changes the ecology of lakes.”
”Lalang seperti eceng gondok, lantana, dan parthenium telah membuat para pengembang frustrasi karena lalang-lalang itu sulit dimusnahkan,” kata India Today.
“Weeds like the water hyacinth, the lantana and parthenium have driven developers to despair with their resilience,” states India Today.
Bagian sedalam kurang dari 3 meter dipenuhi seluruhnya oleh teratai-terataian, sementara sebagian besar dari garis pantainya dipenuhi papirus dan eceng gondok.
Areas that are less than 3 metres deep are completely covered by water lilies, while much of the swampy shoreline is covered with papyrus and water hyacinth.
Jadi saya membawa beberapa gulma kering di tangan saya dan berkunjung dari rumah ke rumah untuk mencari seseorang yang bisa mengajar saya untuk merajut batang eceng gondok menjadi tali.
So I literally took my dried weeds in hand, there were several more of them, and went knocking from door to door to find out who could teach me how to weave these water hyacinth stems into ropes.
Para penyelamat itu —dua spesies kumbang moncong yang hanya memakan eceng gondok —telah berhasil sedangkan mesin mengalami kegagalan dan bahan kimia malah mencemari air dan membunuh tanaman lain, jelas New Scientist.
The saviors —two species of weevil that eat water hyacinth and nothing else— have succeeded where machinery has failed and where chemicals would pollute the water and kill other plants, explains New Scientist.
Sejak diperkenalkan di Danau Victoria di Afrika berpuluh-puluh tahun yang lalu, eceng gondok berkembang sedemikian cepatnya sampai-sampai tanaman ini kini meliputi 2.000 kilometer persegi dari permukaan danau, mengganggu industri perikanan yang vital yang menjadi sumber makanan bagi jutaan orang di negara-negara tetangga seperti Kenya, Tanzania, dan Uganda.
Introduced into Africa’s Lake Victoria some decades ago, the hyacinth has proliferated so fast that it now covers 770 square miles [2,000 sq km] of the lake’s surface, disrupting the vital fishing industry that feeds millions of people in the bordering countries of Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda.

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Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.