What does cuaca in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word cuaca in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use cuaca in Indonesian.
The word cuaca in Indonesian means weather, climate, atmospheric condition, weather. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word cuaca
weathernoun (state of the atmosphere) Pada ketinggian itu cuaca dapat berubah secara cepat tanpa peringatan. At that altitude the weather can change rapidly without warning. |
climatenoun Saya akan ambil uangnya dan pindah ke cuaca yang lebih hangat. I'm taking the money and moving to a warmer climate. |
atmospheric conditionnoun Pelayanan Cuaca Nasional kemarin malam melaporkan kondisi atmosfir di wilayah ini yang bisa memungkinkan terciptanya kilat The National Weather Service last night reported atmospheric conditions in this area which were possibly conducive to lightning |
weatherverb noun (state of the atmosphere) Cuaca hari ini sangat dingin sehingga membuat kami menggeletuk. Today's weather is very cold that it makes us shiver. |
See more examples
Mana laporan cuacaku? Where's my weather report? |
Di Outlook, ada fitur Propose New Time, kemampuan untuk melihat kalender berdampingan, dan ramalan cuaca dalam tampilan kalender. In Outlook, there is a Propose New Time feature, the ability to see calendars side by side, and a weather forecast in the calendar view. |
Tetapi, jika cuacanya lebih dingin, mereka mungkin aktif sepanjang hari. But in cooler weather, they may be active throughout the day. |
Beberapa ribu tahun kemudian, cuaca bertambah hangat. Next few thousand years, it got warmer. |
Cuaca semakin dingin, aku juga penasaran tentangnya dan aku ingin bertemu dengannya. The weather is getting cold, I am also curious about him and want to see him. |
Pada hari-hari berikutnya, tekanan ekstrim terjadi pada rombongan tersebut saat, dalam rangka menghindari keadaan cuaca dan laut dari kawasan pesisir, mereka bergerak ke arah selatan pada es. There followed days of extreme frustration for the party as, prevented by weather and sea conditions from reaching the shore, they drifted southwards with the ice. |
”APABILA dua orang Inggris bertemu, hal pertama yang mereka bicarakan ialah cuaca.” “WHEN two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather.” |
“Izin untuk ke kabin ketika cuaca sedang baik?” “To go up to the cabin when the weather breaks?” |
Cuaca biasanya tenang, dan warna cahaya lebih lembut. The air is usually calm, and the color of the light is warmer. |
Sayang sekali, banyak rumah mini yang mewah ini rusak karena terus-menerus diterpa cuaca buruk, sedangkan yang lain-lain sengaja dirusak oleh orang-orang yang tidak menghargai nilainya. Sadly, many of those miniature mansions have deteriorated under the constant barrage of the elements, while others have been intentionally destroyed by people who did not recognize their value. |
Gubernur Colorado diharapkan untuk mengumumkan darurat cuaca. The governor of Colorado is expected to declare a weather emergency. |
Pesawat dapat menyemprotkan es kering ke atmosfer untuk keperluan pengendalian cuaca. It can spray dry ice into the atmosphere for weather control duties. |
Oleh karena itu, pada cuaca panas, atau ketika otot memanas karena bekerja keras, keringat dihasilkan. Hence, in hot weather, or when the individual's muscles heat up due to exertion, more sweat is produced. |
MOZAMBIK memiliki iklim yang sejuk karena cuacanya dipengaruhi Samudera Hindia yang hangat. ITS weather influenced by the warm Indian Ocean, Mozambique enjoys a balmy climate. |
Saya ingat sedang berdiri di lapangan, cuaca mendung di arah timur, namun tidak ada yang peduli. I remember standing in the field; there are dark clouds to the east, but no one seems to mind. |
Para nelayan lokal percaya persembahan mereka akan menyenangkan Ratu Laut Selatan sehingga ia akan memberkahi mereka dengan hasil tangkapan yang berlimpah serta memberikan cuaca yang bagus, tidak terlalu banyak badai serta ombak. The local fishermen believed that the ceremony would please the Queen of Southern Sea, that in return would give them some good catches in fisheries and also would bless the surrounding areas with better weather, fewer storms and waves. |
Saya berharap bahwa saya tidak mereka berbicara tentang cuaca. I hope they're talking about more than just the weather. |
Memang, tapi cuaca tidak mendukung, jadi kami pulang lebih cepat. I was, but the weather wasn't agreeing, so we came back early. |
Aku rasa anda sedang melakukan sedikit penelitian cuaca. I presume you're conducting some sort of weather experiment. |
Es krim di cuaca dingin. Ice-cream in this cold weather. |
Ia juga tampil sebagai diri sendiri dalam Episode 3 pada musim ke-3 House of Cards Tolokonnikova lahir pada 7 November 1989 di Norilsk, sebuah kota industri bercuaca ekstrem yang sangat berpolusi di Arktik Rusia. Tolokonnikova was born on 7 November 1989 in Norilsk, a heavily polluted extreme-weather industrial city in the Russian Arctic. |
Seekor anjing dari Akita couIdn't menyesuaikan diri dengan cuaca hangat A dog from Akita couldn't adjust to the warm weather |
Jenis hari ini berubah menjadi malam, kau tahu, akhir- jenis cuaca dunia Kind of day turning into night, you know, end of the world- type weather |
Cuacanya begitu mengagumkan, benar. The weather's so awesome, right. |
Cuaca yang cerah. Nice weather. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.