What does celah in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word celah in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use celah in Indonesian.
The word celah in Indonesian means crack, crevice, cleft. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word celah
cracknoun (A thin and usually jagged space opened in a previously solid material.) Ada uap yang mengalir di celah bawah pipa. Steam's coming up through a crack in the concrete. |
crevicenoun (A thin and usually jagged space opened in a previously solid material.) Tutup retakan dan celah di dinding dan kusen pintu. Seal cracks and crevices in walls and door frames. |
cleftnoun (A thin and usually jagged space opened in a previously solid material.) Tidak ada yang punya celah membengkak di dagunya seperti Gaston No one's got a swell cleft in his chin like Gaston |
See more examples
Mencari celah di baju besi. Looking for a chink in the armor. |
Situs penambangan samudra biasanya berada di sekitar kawasan nodul polimetalik atau celah hidrotermal aktif dan punah pada kedalaman 1.400 - 3.700 meter di bawah permukaan laut. Ocean mining sites are usually around large areas of polymetallic nodules or active and extinct hydrothermal vents at about 1,400 – 3,700 meters below the ocean's surface. |
Anda membuat celah yang mendalam di bagian belakang burung sepanjang jalan dari leher ke bawah ke ekor untuk mengekspos tulang punggung. You make a deep sIit down the back of the bird all the way from the neck down to the tail to expose the backbone. |
Dalam kurun waktu kira-kira 900 tahun, banyak puri yang dibangun dengan beragam bentuk dan tampilan, tetapi lazimnya memiliki tembok tirai dan celah panah. Over the approximately 900 years that castles were built, they took on a great many forms with many different features, although some, such as curtain walls and arrowslits, were commonplace. |
tapi selalu ada celah. Yeah, but there's always a loophole. |
Celah ini akan memungkinkan seorang penulis untuk menarik Barry keluar dari pelarian putus asa untuk memusnahkan meriam anti-matter. This loophole would allow a writer to pull Barry out of his desperate run to annihilate the anti-matter cannon. |
Material celah-jalur-lebar yang dikurangi penuh membentuk isolasi antara gerbang dan badan. The fully depleted wide-band-gap material forms the isolation between gate and body. |
Di sepanjang bagian sebelah timur dari Lembah Celah Besar di Afrika terdapat serangkaian danau yang tercemar oleh natrium karbonat. Along the eastern part of the Great Rift Valley in Africa is a series of lakes that are tainted with sodium carbonates. |
Celah antara neuron atau saraf pengirim dan penerima The gap between a sending and a receiving neuron or nerve |
Dengan pertanyaan sederhana ini, teman saya akhirnya telah berhasil membuka celah kecil dalam hati saya. With this simple question, my friend had at last succeeded in opening a tiny breach into my heart. |
Sedangkan orang-orang, mereka akan mencari perlindungan dalam gua-gua dan celah-celah di gunung batu pada hari penghakiman Yehuwa. As for the people, they will seek refuge in caves and clefts in the rock on the day of Jehovah’s judgment. |
Lalu mengalami trauma, dan membuka celahnya. And then there is trauma, and it opens those cracks. |
Celah cambuk adalah, karena ujungnya Bergerak lebih cepat daripada kecepatan suara. The crack of a whip is, due to its tip moving faster than the speed of sound. |
lantai. Kemudian ditarik sama mendadaknya seperti muncul, dan semua gelap lagi menyimpan percikan mengerikan tunggal yang menandai sebuah celah antara batu- batu. Then it was withdrawn as suddenly as it appeared, and all was dark again save the single lurid spark which marked a chink between the stones. |
Dua percobaan pada tahun 1925 meletakkan dasar untuk mengisi celah ini. Two experiments in 1925 laid the groundwork to fill in this gap. |
Sebarisan semburan api di celah timur Kilauea A line of fire fountains on the east rift of Kilauea |
Dan, seperti air, mereka akan merembas mencari celah dari berbagai aturan yang ada. And, like water, they will find cracks in any set of rules. |
Di sisi timur air terjun ini, sebuah jalur "hiking" dan "trekking" menuju ke Celah Fimmverðuháls antara gletser Eyjafjallajokull dan Myrdalsjokull. At the eastern side of the waterfall, a hiking and trekking trail leads up to the pass Fimmvörðuháls between the glaciers Eyjafjallajökull and Mýrdalsjökull. |
Jika kaum Muslim berpikir Islam gagal, maka janji Allah tentang kemenangan akhir di segala penjuru dunia sudah dibiarkan tidak terpenuhi (atau parahnya, bahwa ia pertama-tama menjadi celah) sehingga persoalan psikologis pun bisa hancur berantakan. If Muslims thought that Islam itself had failed, that God's promise of eventual triumph across the earth had been left unfulfilled (or worse, that it was hollow in the first place), then the psychological ramifications could be shattering. |
Nitish Raj di artikel blog menulis sebelum film dirilis dan mengatakan [hi] bahwa Shiv Sena mengambil celah ini untuk menonjolkan diri karena popularitasnya sudah menurun berbeda dengan lawan mereka yang semakin kuat. Nitish Raj in his blog post published before the release of the film says [hi] that Shiv Sena took this stand to make its presence felt because its’ popularity is waning now but their opponents seem stronger than them. |
Fucking celah! Fucking slit! |
Di sebelah barat celah, kegiatan vulkanis telah membentuk barisan Pegunungan Ruwenzori dan Virunga yang membentang di perbatasan Rwanda, Zaire, dan Uganda. In the western rift, volcanic movement has formed the Ruwenzori and Virunga mountain ranges that straddle the borders of Rwanda, Zaire, and Uganda. |
Meskipun moncong lancipnya memungkinkan alpaca mencapai daun rumput Andes yang tumbuh di celah sempit bebatuan, binatang yang menggemaskan ini memilih daerah rawa, karena di sana tersedia tunas-tunas muda. Although a pointed snout enables the alpaca to reach the blades of Andean grass that grow in narrow crevices between rocks, these cuddly animals prefer swampy areas, which provide tender shoots. |
Mestinya kita ke Celah Rohan. We make for the Gap of Rohan. |
Yesaya berbicara tentang mereka yang dengan setia menjalankan hukum puasa dan dengan demikian menjadi bagi keturunan mereka sendiri “yang memperbaiki celah.” Isaiah spoke of those who faithfully live the law of the fast and thus become for their own posterity a repairer of the breach. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.