What does bunga melati in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word bunga melati in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use bunga melati in Indonesian.
The word bunga melati in Indonesian means jasmine. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word bunga melati
jasminenoun Seekor ular kobra yang bertubuh licin dan berlendir menjalar ke arah seorang gadis kecil, karena terpikat oleh aroma bunga melati di rambut sang gadis. The slimy cobra slithered toward the girl, lured by the scent of the jasmine flowers in her hair. |
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" Aku bukan bunga melati, aku bunga mawar. " I am not the flower jasmine, I am the flower rose. |
Kalung bunga melatimu lah... Yang sudah membuatnya hebat. It is yourjasmine garlands... that have made her divine. |
Beli satu ikat bunga melatinya. Give me one measure of jasmine, please. |
Irisan bunga melati, jangan pernah... Flaked Jasmine, never ground... |
Bahkan lengkap dengan bunga melati. Even down to the ground Jasmine. |
Kau tampak sesegar bunga melati! You look as fresh as a daisy! |
Teh menyerap kelembaban dari bunga melati segar sehingga teh tersebut harus dipanaskan untuk mencegah pembusukan. The tea absorbs moisture from the fresh Jasmine flowers so it must be dried again to prevent spoilage. |
Wangi bunga melati. d They lead me place to place d It's Jammin'Jasmine. |
Bunga melati. Jasmine. |
Seekor ular kobra yang bertubuh licin dan berlendir menjalar ke arah seorang gadis kecil, karena terpikat oleh aroma bunga melati di rambut sang gadis. The slimy cobra slithered toward the girl, lured by the scent of the jasmine flowers in her hair. |
Manu... kita bisa meletakkan bunga marigold di sini dan melati di sana dan rangkaian bunga lainnya... Manu... we can put marigolds here... and jasmine there... and the other flower arrangements... |
Metode pelarutan terutama digunakan untuk berbagai jenis bunga yang rapuh seperti melati, mawar, mimosa, violet, dan tuberose. The solvent method is used mainly for the more fragile varieties of flowers such as jasmine, rose, mimosa, violet, and tuberose. |
Setiap pagi ia akan menaruh melati segar bunga di bra-nya. Every morning she put jasmine flowers in her bra. |
Para pemetik bunga bergegas ke ladang melati. The flower pickers hasten to the jasmine fields. |
Setibanya di Rumah Betel, delegasi itu disambut dengan karangan bunga gladiol, mawar, melati, aster kuning dan merah, yang khusus ditanam oleh seorang saudara untuk peristiwa ini. When the delegates arrived at the Bethel Home, they were greeted with bouquets of gladioluses, roses, jasmine, and yellow and red daisies, grown by a brother especially for this occasion. |
Sejak dahulu, melati merupakan ratu segala bunga di sana. For a long time, the jasmine was queen of the flowers there. |
Sewaktu berbunga, pohon itu diselimuti bunga-bunga putih yang indah dan menyebarkan keharuman melati yang sedap. When in bloom, the tree is covered with beautiful white blossoms that emit a delightful jasmine fragrance. |
Melati memiliki makna luas dalam tradisi Indonesia; ia adalah bunga kehidupan, keindahan, dan pernikahan, akan tetapi seringkali dikaitkan dengan arwah orang yang telah wafat dan kematian. The jasmine has wide spectrums in Indonesian traditions; it is the flower of life, beauty and festive wedding, yet it is also often associated with spirit and death. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.