What does bunda in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word bunda in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use bunda in Indonesian.

The word bunda in Indonesian means mother, boat, boot. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word bunda


noun (female (human) who parents a child, gives birth to a baby, or is pregnant)

Agama-agama lain terjalin oleh kepercayaan kafir kuno kepada dewa-dewi tiga serangkai, tritunggal, dan dewi bunda.
Others are connected by ancient pagan beliefs in triads, trinities, and mother goddesses.




verb noun

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Uskup Agung Nieves menyebutkan adanya tiga masalah yang berbeda: kepemilikan yang sebenarnya atas jaringan ini, wewenang biara tersebut untuk memberikan properti kepada EWTN, dan—karena ia belum pernah dipilih—legitimasi dari otoritas Bunda Angelica.
Nieves determined that there were three distinct problems: the actual ownership of the network, the monastery's right to give property to EWTN, and, since she had never been elected, the legitimacy of Mother Angelica's authority.
Apakah Penyembahan Dewi-Bunda Masih Dilakukan?
Is Mother-Goddess Worship Still Alive?
Kennedy berada di peringkat ketiga (setelah Martin Luther King, Jr. dan Bunda Teresa) dalam Gallup's List of Widely Admired People abad ke-20.
Kennedy came in third (behind Martin Luther King Jr. and Mother Teresa) in Gallup's List of Widely Admired People of the 20th century.
Kata-kata dari liturgi Etiopia berikut merepresentasikan iman Ortodoksi Oriental: "Aku percaya, aku percaya, aku percaya dan mengaku sampai hembusan napas terakhir bahwa ini adalah tubuh dan darah dari Tuhan Allah dan Juruselamat kita Yesus Kristus, yang diambil-Nya dari Bunda kita, Perawan Maria yang kudus dan tak bernoda, Bunda Allah."
The words of the Ethiopic liturgy are representative of the faith of Oriental Orthodoxy: "I believe, I believe, I believe and profess to the last breath that this is the body and the blood of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ, which he took from our Lady, the holy and immaculate Virgin Mary, the Mother of God."
Bunda Confessor.
Mother Confessor.
Dalam bahasa Arab Tunisia modern, terdapat kebiasaan pengucapan Omek Tannou atau Oumouk Tangou ("Bunda Tannou" atau "Bunda Tangou") ketika sedang musim kemarau agar hujan turun. ^ Miles, Richard (2011).
In modern-day Tunisian Arabic, it is customary to invoke Omek Tannou or Oumouk Tangou ('Mother Tannou' or 'Mother Tangou', depending on the region), in years of drought to bring rain.
Kita tidak sedang bicara tentang Bunda Teresa.
It's not like we're talking about Mother Teresa.
Sekarang pohon Natal kita sangatlah besar, lebih besar dari patung Bunda Maria, patung di mana kita berdoa, menangis, dan memohon ampun karena kita tidak memperhatikan Maria lain yang meringkuk di kamp pengungsi yang terletak hanya beberapa meter dari kita.
Today our Christmas trees are bigger, and even bigger still are our statues of the Virgin Mary before whom we pray, crying and begging Her to forgive us for forgetting the Mary curled up in some refugee camp only meters away.
Mereka memiliki sebuah gereja yang ditujukan kepada Bunda Maria yang dibangun pada tahun 1481, tetapi para ahli sejarah mencantumkan tahun 1045.
They have a church dedicated to Mother Mary that was built in 1481, but with antecedents dating back to 1045.
Agama-agama lain terjalin oleh kepercayaan kafir kuno kepada dewa-dewi tiga serangkai, tritunggal, dan dewi bunda.
Others are connected by ancient pagan beliefs in triads, trinities, and mother goddesses.
Kata ayah, Bunda kini ada di surga bersama Tuhan.
Jesus tells him that today they will be in paradise together.
Jadi, imam Katolik Andrew Greely mengatakan dalam bukunya The Making of the Popes 1978 (Pengangkatan Paus-Paus 1978): ”Lambang Maria langsung menghubungkan Kekristenan dengan agama-agama [kafir] purba yang mempunyai dewi-dewi bunda.”
Thus, Catholic priest Andrew Greely says in his book The Making of the Popes 1978: “The Mary symbol links Christianity directly to the ancient [pagan] religions of mother goddesses.”
Sementara kebanyakan tukang sihir modern menganut kepercayaan yang berorientasi pada alam dan bersifat politeistis, ada pula yang menyembah dewi bunda agung, yang bentuknya terdiri dari tiga unsur: perawan, ibu, dan nenek, yang mewakili tiga tingkatan utama kehidupan.
While most modern witches are followers of a nature-oriented, polytheistic faith, some worship a great mother-goddess, viewed in a triple role of maiden, mother, and crone, representing the basic stages of life.
Katedral Lama Rio de Janeiro yang didedikasikan kepada Bunda Maria dari Gunung Karmel, (nama lengkap Portugis: Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Monte do Carmo da antiga Sé, yang artinya Gereja Bunda Kita dari Gunung Karmel dari Tahta Kuno) adalah sebuah gereja Karmelit lama yang dijadikan sebagai katedral (Sé) Rio de Janeiro dari sekitar tahun 1808 sampai 1976.
The Old Cathedral of Rio de Janeiro dedicated to Our Lady of Mount Carmel, (Portuguese full name: Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Monte do Carmo da antiga Sé, literally Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel of the Ancient See) is an old Carmelite church which served as cathedral (Sé) of Rio de Janeiro from around 1808 until 1976.
Santa Maria, Bunda Allah, doakanlah kami yang berdosa ini, sekarang, dan waktu kami mati.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death.
Menurutmu dia Bunda Confessor palsu?
You think the Mother Confessor is an imposter?
Tapi juga pada saat yang sama “kepenuhan rahmat” menunjukkan semua kemurahan-hati mistis yang daripadanya Maria terima karena terpilih dan ditakdirkan untuk menjadi Bunda Kristus.
But at the same time the "fullness of grace" indicates all the supernatural munificence from which Mary benefits by being chosen and destined to be the Mother of Christ.
Gereja paroki "Maria Bunda Penolong Abadi" di Buxar adalah katedral untuk keuskupan tersebut.
The parish church "Mary Mother of Perpetual Help" in Buxar is the cathedral for the diocese.
Ini dirayakan pada 15 Agustus (28 Agustus bagi orang-orang yang mengikut Kalender Julian) sebagai Perayaan Dormisi Bunda Allah.
It is celebrated on 15 August (28 August N.S. for those following the Julian Calendar) as the Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God.
Bunda dari Lourdes adalah sebuah gelar kemuliaan dari Bunda Maria yang diberikan oleh penganut Katolik Roma dalam menghargai penampakan Maria yang dikatakan terjadi beberapa kali pada 1858 di Lourdes, Prancis.
Our Lady of Lourdes is a Roman Catholic title of the Blessed Virgin Mary venerated in honour of the Marian apparitions that reportedly occurred in 1858 in the vicinity of Lourdes in France.
Mari kita kesampingkan juga teologi serta dogma rumit yang memberi wanita sederhana ini gelar muluk-muluk seperti ”Bunda Allah” dan ”Ratu Surga”.
Let us set aside, too, the complex theology and dogma that bestow on this humble woman such lofty titles as “Mother of God” and “Queen of Heaven.”
Bersama dengan Witoba, Rukmini (Bunda Rukmini, permaisuri Krishna) juga disembah di sini.
Along with Vithoba, Rukmini (Mother Rukmini, the consort of Krishna) is also worshipped here.
Lambang Maria menghubungkan Kekristenan secara langsung dengan agama-agama dewi-dewi bunda pada zaman dahulu.”—The Making of the Popes 1978 (AS, 1979), hlm.
The Mary symbol links Christianity directly to the ancient religions of mother goddesses.”—The Making of the Popes 1978 (U.S.A., 1979), p.
Dari semua wanita yang pernah kucicipi yang paling kuinginkan Bunda Confessor,... yang selalu terlalu berbahaya untuk disentuh.
Of all the women whose delights I have sampled, the one I've wanted most the Mother Confessor, has always been too dangerous to touch.
Magda Searus, Bunda Confessor pertama, ia bukan siapa-siapa tanpa musuh-musuhnya.
Magda Searus, the first Mother Confessor, she was not without her enemies.

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Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.