What does buah pir in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word buah pir in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use buah pir in Indonesian.

The word buah pir in Indonesian means pear. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word buah pir


noun (A fruit produced by the pear tree.)

Aku buah pir tua yang dibiarkan membusuk di mangkuk buah.
Lam an old pear left to soften in the fruit bowl.

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Cooker juga mengingat... bunga putih berbentuk buah pir... menempel di jaket Sands.
Now, Cooker also remembered a white, pear-shaped flower blossom clinging to Sands'jacket.
Buah pir juga bernasib serupa.
Pears have fared similarly.
Mungkin buah pir terakhir di Bosnia.
Probably the last pear in all of Bosnia.
Dan jika hal-hal berbentuk buah pir, kami akan menjatuhkan pasangan Anda.
And if things go pear-shaped, we'll drop your partner.
Buah pir untuk paman saya,” jawabnya, dan para tentara itu biasanya mengambil satu atau dua pir.
Pears for my uncle,” he replied, and the soldiers would take one or two pears.
Minuman ragi buah pir mencari apapun.
Perry's looking for something.
Pinggulmu seperti buah pir.
You got hips like a pear.
'Wadah yang kupunya bentuknya melingkar seperti buah pir
'A vessel I have that's round like a pear
Kau bawakan Ibu buah pir?
Did you bring any pears?
Yo, Minuman ragi buah pir, apakah kamu di situ?
Yo, Perry, are you there?
Buah pir dikeringkan menjadi berbentuk alat kelamin.
Pears dried in the form of genital organs.
Contoh, jika buah pir itu memiliki banyak sarinya.
For example, the fact that this peach contains a lot of water.
Aku kasih kamu buah pir berikan ini pada ibumu.
I got nice peaches for your mom.
Tapi persegi dipotong atau berbentuk buah pir-batu ini tidak kehilangan bentuk mereka
But square cut or pear-shaped These rocks don't lose their shape
Makan buah pir itu, itu enak juga.
Eat the peach, it's fine.
gonnanya minuman ragi buah pir membunuh kamu.
Perry's gonna kill you.
Ukuran dan bentuknya mirip buah pir besar, tetapi warnanya tetap hijau bahkan setelah matang.
It was about the size and shape of a big pear, but it remained green even when ripe.
Minuman ragi buah pir, pergi di dalam.
Perry, go inside.
Ada yang agak pipih atau lonjong atau berbentuk seperti buah pir.
Some are flat or plum- or pear-shaped.
”Bentuk tubuh ideal pesumo adalah seperti buah pir,” kata Simmonds.
“The ideal sumo shape is pear-shaped,” notes Simmonds.
Daerahnya berbentuk seperti buah pir yang luasnya kira-kira 900 km2.
In size, it embraced a pear-shaped area of about 900 sq km (350 sq mi).
Suda menyatakan bahwa ia meninggal pada usia tujuh puluh empat tahun setelah dipukul oleh buah pir.
The Suda claims he died at the age of seventy-four after being struck by a pear.
Kamu selalu mengharapkan aku yang satu bagian dari ini, tapi aku bukan Minuman Ragi Buah Pir, setuju?
You always expect me to be a part of it, but I'm not Perry, okay?
Minuman ragi buah pir mengatakan terdapat sebuah simpul tali gantungan di kamar yang lain.
Perry said there's a noose in the other room.
Aku membeli buah pir.
I went for pears.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.