What does bisu in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word bisu in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use bisu in Indonesian.

The word bisu in Indonesian means mute, dumb, silent, mutism. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word bisu


adjective (To eliminate or temporarily suppress the sound produced by a device, such as a computer or digital media device. A device in such a state has a volume level of zero.)

Tampaknya tidak, karena bahkan setelah ia menjadi ”bisu”, ia mengucapkan nubuat-nubuat yang terutama ditujukan kepada negeri-negeri sekeliling yang bersukacita atas kejatuhan Yerusalem.
Obviously not, for even after this “muteness” overtook him, he uttered prophecies directed mainly to the surrounding countries that rejoiced over the downfall of Jerusalem.


adjective (Unable to speak; lacking power of speech.)

Karena ia kurang percaya kepada malaikat itu, ia diberi tahu bahwa ia akan menjadi bisu sampai kelahiran Yohanes.
Because of his weakness as to believing the angel, he was informed that he would be struck with dumbness until after John’s birth.



Namun, alam semesta ini bukanlah sebuah film bisu karena alam semesta tidaklah bisu.
And yet, the universe is not a silent movie because the universe isn't silent.


noun (inability to speak)

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(35:2) Orang buta, tuli, dan bisu akan disembuhkan, dan Jalan Kudus akan dibuka bagi orang-orang yang telah ditebus oleh Yehuwa seraya mereka kembali ke Sion dengan sukacita.
(35:2) The blind, the deaf, and the speechless will be healed, and the Way of Holiness will be opened for the redeemed of Jehovah as they return to Zion with rejoicing.
Kebisuan Yehezkiel menyiratkan bahwa ia tidak dapat berbicara apa-apa sejauh mengucapkan kata-kata yang bermakna nubuat bagi orang Israel.
Ezekiel’s muteness implied that he was speechless as far as uttering words of prophetic significance to the Israelites was concerned.
Ia memulihkan kembali kesehatan orang pincang, cacat, buta, dan bisu, orang sakit ayan, yang lumpuh, wanita yang menderita pendarahan, pria yang mati sebelah tangan, dan orang lain yang kena busung air.
He restored the health of the lame, maimed, blind, and dumb, of the epileptic, the paralytic, of a woman suffering from a hemorrhage, a man with a withered hand, and another man with dropsy.
Juha adalah sebuah film bisu ditembak di hitam-putih dengan dialog datang dalam bentuk sub judul.
Juha is a silent film shot in black-and-white with the dialogue coming in the form of intertitles.
Stan Laurel (1890–1965) dan Oliver Hardy (1892–1957) naik daun sebagai komedian film sebelum mereka menjadi tim, dengan Laurel tampil dalam lebih dari 50 film bisu dan Hardy dalam lebih dari 250.
Stan Laurel (1890–1965) and Oliver Hardy (1892–1957) were established as film comedians prior to their teaming, with Laurel appearing in over 50 silent films and Hardy in over 250.
The Lost World adalah sebuah film petualangan monster fantasi bisu Amerika tahun 1925 yang diadaptasi dari novel bernama sama tahun 1912 karya Arthur Conan Doyle.
The Lost World is a 1925 American silent fantasy monster adventure film adapted from Arthur Conan Doyle's 1912 novel of the same name.
Tampaknya tidak, karena bahkan setelah ia menjadi ”bisu”, ia mengucapkan nubuat-nubuat yang terutama ditujukan kepada negeri-negeri sekeliling yang bersukacita atas kejatuhan Yerusalem.
Obviously not, for even after this “muteness” overtook him, he uttered prophecies directed mainly to the surrounding countries that rejoiced over the downfall of Jerusalem.
3 Sekarang, mereka tidak berani membunuh mereka, karena sumpah yang telah raja mereka buat kepada Limhi; tetapi mereka akan menampar apipi mereka, dan menjalankan wewenang atas diri mereka; dan mulai menaruh bbeban berat ke atas punggung mereka, dan menghalau mereka seperti mereka mau menghalau keledai bisu
3 Now they durst not slay them, because of the aoath which their king had made unto Limhi; but they would smite them on their bcheeks, and exercise authority over them; and began to put heavy cburdens upon their backs, and drive them as they would a dumb ass—
Bisu sialan!
Damn mute!
Setelah itu, ia mengkomposisikan iring-iringan untuk seluruh filmnya, dan dari akhir 1950-an sampai kematiannya, ia mengiring-iringkan seluruh film fitur bisunya dan beberapa film pendeknya.
He thereafter composed the scores for all of his films, and from the late 1950s to his death, he scored all of his silent features and some of his short films.
Datang pada akhir era film bisu, film tersebut meraih kehormatan dengan menjadi nominasi di Academy Award pada 1929, tahun pembukaan Penghargaan tersebut, dalam kategori Penulisan Judul Terbaik.
Coming at the end of the silent film era, it was nominated for an Academy Award in 1929, the year of the Awards' inception, in the category of Best Title Writing.
Gerbang, kastil, dan jembatan di kota itu semuanya masih memiliki ciri abad pertengahan dan menjadi saksi bisu mengenai zaman kala Toledo merupakan salah satu kota terpenting di Eropa.
The city’s gates, castles, and bridges all maintain their medieval flavor and bear silent witness to the days when Toledo was one of the most important cities of Europe.
Di seberang ruangan, salah satu perwira Montfort duduk di kursi sambil membisu, memunggungi jendela.
Across the room, one of the Montfortan officers is silent in his chair, his back to the window.
Pembisuan akuaporin tumbuhan telah dikaitkan dengan penurunan konduktansi hidraulik dan fotosintesis daun.
The silencing of plant aquaporins has been linked to decreased hydraulic conductance and photosynthesis of the leaf.
"Sejenak mereka membisu, lalu Abe menggerutu, ""Begitu melihat tanda-tanda dia berkhianat, kita langsung bertindak."""
They rode in silence for a while, then Abe muttered, “Just one sign of treachery and we have him.”
Tel Arad Menjadi Saksi Bisu
Tel Arad Bears Silent Witness
Tak pelak lagi, berita tentang hal ini menyebar secepat kilat, dan tidak lama kemudian ”kumpulan besar orang menghampirinya, membawa beserta mereka orang-orang yang timpang, cacat, buta, bisu, dan banyak yang lain, dan mereka hampir-hampir melemparkan orang-orang tersebut ke kakinya, dan ia menyembuhkan mereka semua”.
Inevitably, word of this spread like wildfire, and soon “great crowds approached him, having along with them people that were lame, maimed, blind, dumb, and many otherwise, and they fairly threw them at his feet, and he cured them.”
Di mana si gadis bisumu?
Where is that little mute of yours?
Sampai sekarang di Athena, Areopagus, atau Bukit Mars, tempat Paulus berkhotbah, berdiri sebagai saksi bisu tentang kebenaran buku Kisah.
To this day in Athens the Areopagus, or Mars’ Hill, where Paul preached, stands as a silent witness to the truthfulness of Acts.
Firman Allah tidak membisu berkenaan pokok ini.
God’s Word is not silent on this subject.
Peran ganda Ajith dari saudara kembar—dimana salah satunya bisu-tuli—dalam Vaali (1999) karya S. J. Surya membuatnya memenangkan Penghargaan Filmfare untuk Aktor Tamil Terbaik pertamanya.
Ajith's dual portrayal of twin brothers—where one is deaf-mute—in S. J. Surya's Vaali (1999) won him his first Filmfare Award for Best Tamil Actor.
Bisumu memekakang telinga.
Your silence is deafening.
Untuk membisukan audio ponsel, tekan *6 atau turunkan volume perangkat ke setelan terendah.
To mute your phone, press *6 or decrease the device volume to the lowest setting.
Pemarah gila tukang pukul dan si dingin bisu
Crazy angry wrestler or silent antisocial.
Mr. Wu adalah sebuah film drama bisu Amerika 1927 garapan William Nigh dan dibintangi oleh Lon Chaney sebagai seorang patriarkh Tionghoa yang berusaha untuk membalas orang Inggris yang mengambil putrinya.
Mr. Wu is a 1927 American silent drama film directed by William Nigh and starring Lon Chaney as a Chinese patriarch who tries to exact revenge on the Englishman who seduced his daughter.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.