What does berlibur in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word berlibur in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use berlibur in Indonesian.

The word berlibur in Indonesian means vacation, holiday, on holiday. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word berlibur



Mayoritas pekerja Jepang berencana untuk mengambil libur musim panas lebih dari tiga hari berturut-turut.
A majority of Japanese workers plan to take more than three consecutive days of summer vacation.



Pada hari libur lalu-lintas merayap sepanjang jalan raya.
The holiday traffic crawled along the highway.

on holiday


Korban adalah mahasiswa tamatan Amerika yang pergi berlibur.
Victim was an American graduate student on holiday.

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Saat usiaku 10 tahun, Aku dan orang tuaku naik pesawat untuk berlibur.
When I was 10 me and my parents were travelling by plane.
Saya beri dia libur satu malam.
I gave him the night off.
Aku takkan pergi berlibur!
I am not going on vacation!
Jadi, liburanmu sudah selesai?
So, you finished your vacation?
Itu hari liburku.
That's my day off.
Dan saya akan tunjukkan beberapa orang yang sangat sukses karena berlibur panjang.
And I'll show you a couple of people that did well by pursuing sabbaticals.
Kami merayakan hari libur dengan hidangan tradisional sebelum perayaan Día de los Muertos dimulai malam ini.
We're celebrating the holiday with a traditional meal before the Día de los Muertos festivities begin tonight.
Adalah aneh bahwa dia tidak pernah meninggalkan tempat ini Tidak bahkan di hari libur.
It's weird that she never left this place not even on holiday.
Namun sayangnya, hari libur ini tidak diperlukan untuk ditambahkan sebagai hari libur di Ontarians menerima, sebab para pemberi kerja dapat mengganti hari libur tak resmi di mana para pekerja dapat tetap menerima ganti hari itu.
However, this holiday does not necessarily add to the number of holidays Ontarians receive because employers can substitute any non-statutory holidays that employees may already be receiving in lieu of this day.
Libur sekolah juga?
Day off at your school too?
(22 Mei 1997) Saya berusia 12 tahun, dan selama liburan sekolah, saya banyak menonton TV.
(May 22, 1997) I am 12 years old, and during my school holidays, I have been watching a lot of TV.
Kami menyebutnya liburan musim panas.
We called it our summer vacation.
Bayangkan kemungkinan liburan.
( SIGHS ) Imagine the vacation possibilities.
.. Chaz membeli tiket liburan di atas perahu?
Chazz bought a time share in a boat?
Dia ingat libur musim panas yang lalu.
She remembered last year’s summer holiday.
Liburan ini, waktu yg kita habiskan bersama, itu benar2 nyata.
This weekend, this time that we spent together, it was real.
Pada tahun 2010, Carey merekam ulang lagu ini untuk album liburan keduanya, Merry Christmas II You dengan judul "All I Want for Christmas Is You (Extra Festive)".
In 2010, Carey re-recorded the song for her second holiday album, Merry Christmas II You, titled "All I Want for Christmas Is You (Extra Festive)".
Kalau aku tahu itu akan menjadi seperti ini, saya akan menuntut hari libur saya kembali!
If I knew it was going to be like this, I would have demanded my vacation days back!
Ya, tapi aku masih libur.
Yeah, bυt I'm still on vacation.
Suzuki juga tampil sebagai tarento pada beberapa acara varietas dan kuis, yang paling terkenal adalah Waratte Iitomo! di mana ia menjadi seorang "reguler liburan".
Suzuki has also featured as a tarento on several variety and quiz shows, most notably Waratte Iitomo! where he is a "holiday regular".
Ada hari libur untuk Avatar.
There's a holiday for the Avatar.
Langit berawan dan hujan pada hari pertama liburan, tapi jangan kehilangan harapan: hal yang harus dicari untuk besok.
Cloudy skies and rain on this first day of vacation, but don't lose hope: things should be looking up by tomorrow.
Saya merasa begitu ketika kita pergi berlibur dan ini yang biasanya sering terjadi, alasan kita berlibur sebagian besar karena demi memuaskan sisi yang mengingat itu.
I have that sense that when we go on vacations this is very frequently the case; that is, we go on vacations, to a very large extent, in the service of our remembering self.
Film ini biasanya dirilis pada Maret dan Juli sesuai dengan liburan musim panas dan semi sekolah Jepang.
The films are typically released in March in accordance with the spring vacation of Japanese schools.

Let's learn Indonesian

So now that you know more about the meaning of berlibur in Indonesian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Indonesian.

Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.