What does berendam in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word berendam in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use berendam in Indonesian.
The word berendam in Indonesian means soak, submerge, submerse. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word berendam
soakverb Pulang saja, penuhi bak mandimu dengan wiski lalu berendam di dalamnya. Just run on home, fill your bathtub with whiskey and just soak in it. |
submergeverb Yang ku tahu semuanya sudah terendam dan tak ada lagi yang selamat. Everything I own is submerged and beyond salvage. |
submerseverb Untuk hampir semua tanaman, air asin adalah mematikan, sehingga perendaman akar pohon ini dengan gelombang pasang dua kali sehari harus membunuhnya. For almost all plants, saltwater is lethal, so submersion of this tree's roots by the tide twice a day should kill it. |
See more examples
Pohon-pohon yang dahulu berdiri di tanah kering kini berada di tengah-tengah Danau Reelfoot, tetap mencengkeram kuat-kuat tanah yang terendam air. Trees that once stood on dry land are now in the middle of Reelfoot Lake, stubbornly holding onto flooded ground. |
Saudara-saudara tirinya memendam kebencian dan secara kiasan memanah untuk membinasakan dia. His half brothers harbored animosity and figuratively shot at him to destroy him. |
Dan, hujan deras terus tercurah tanpa henti —sehingga akhirnya bumi pun terendam, tepat seperti apa yang Yehuwa katakan. —Kejadian 7:16-21. And it kept coming and coming and coming —flooding the world, just as Jehovah had said it would. —Genesis 7:16-21. |
Orang-orang dari bangsa-bangsa memendam dalam hati mereka perasaan kagum serta takut akan manusia dan akan perkara-perkara lain. The people of the nations hold in their hearts an awe and a fear of men and of other things. |
Misalnya, ada yang terlindas mobil, ada yang kehujanan semalaman, dan ada yang terendam banjir akibat badai. For example, one Bible was run over by a car, another was left out in the rain overnight, and another was submerged in the floodwaters of a hurricane. |
Saat terendam air, gelembung hidrogen terbentuk perlahan di permukaan logam—meskipun jika dalam bentuk serbuknya ia bereaksi lebih cepat. When submerged in water, hydrogen bubbles form slowly on the surface of the metal – though, if powdered, it reacts much more rapidly. |
Meskipun sewaktu-waktu seseorang bisa menjadi marah dan kadang-kadang ia dapat dibenarkan untuk marah, ia hendaknya tidak membiarkan hal itu berkembang menjadi dosa dengan memendam kemarahan atau tetap dalam keadaan terpancing untuk marah. While a person may on occasion be angry and sometimes justifiably so, he should not let it become sin to him by harboring it or maintaining a provoked state. |
Beberapa pulau dapat terendam seluruhnya. Some islands would be completely submerged. |
Wanita itu bersikap tenang dan berpenampilan sempurna, tidak seorang pun tahu bahwa ia memendam luka emosi, sampai suatu hari ia mulai mengenang. Poised and impeccable in appearance, she gave not even a hint of having secret emotional wounds, until one day she began to remember. |
Berdasarkan pengamatan pada solenodon di dalam penangkaran, mereka diketahui hanya minum ketika berendam. Based on observation of the solenodon in captivity, they have only been known to drink while bathing. |
Sedikitnya 63.000 orang kehilangan tempat tinggal akibat banjir, sementara lebih dari 30.000 hektare lahan untuk tanaman tumbuh terendam air dan akan menambah kekhawatiran kelaparan parah di negara ini. At least 63,000 were made homeless by the flooding, while more than 30,000 hectares of land for growing crops were submerged and will add to growing fears of another looming famine in the country. |
Ia mengejar cita-citanya setelah masuk sekolah menengah pertama, kemudian ia memutuskan untuk memendam keinginannya ketika sekolah menengah atas karena merasa bahwa kemampuan bahasa Inggrisnya sangat rendah. She continued pursuing this dream after entering junior high school, although she gave up upon reaching high school because she felt that her English language skills were inadequate. |
Saya juga menganjurkan mereka untuk saling berkomunikasi dan tidak memendam kemarahan pada kakak atau adiknya. I also encourage them to communicate with one another and never to go to bed angry with a sibling. |
Kerugian properti mencakup hampir 700.000 rumah yang rusak atau hancur, 4680000 hektare (468000000 a) lahan pertanian yang terendam, dan ribuan mil jalan rusak. Property losses included nearly 700,000 damaged or destroyed homes, 4,680,000 hectares (11,600,000 acres) of farmland inundated, and thousands of miles of damaged roads. |
Jika kita membiarkan emosi negatif menguasai diri kita, kita akan cenderung memendam rasa kesal, mungkin merasa bahwa kemarahan kita adalah semacam hukuman bagi orang yang bersalah itu. If we allow negative emotions to get the better of us, we may be inclined to hold on to resentment, perhaps feeling that our anger is somehow punishing the offender. |
"Oasis": Untuk penuh 33 jam, Criss akan berada dalam ruang yang terendam 2000 galon AS (7600 L) air dan harus mencari tahu bagaimana ia akan melarikan diri dikelilingi oleh ribuan penonton dan kru berita, di New York City Bryant Park. "Oasis": For a full 33 hours, Criss will be in a chamber that is submerged in 2,000 US gallons (7,600 L) of water and will have to figure out how he will escape surrounded by thousands of spectators and news crews, in New York City's Bryant Park. |
Sang ayah mundur perlahan-lahan ke dalam air hingga ia terendam sebatas kepala. The father tiger eases himself backward into the water until he is submerged up to his head. |
Apakah Abraham memendam perasaan kesal terhadap Lot? Did Abraham hold on to any ill feeling he may have had toward Lot? |
Sangat menyakitkan memendam perasaan. It's very painful to hide feelings. |
Wilayah yang tadinya adalah sawah, jalan raya, hutan, dan pedesaan sekarang terendam air. Areas that were once home to rice paddies, roads, trees, and villages are now swamped. |
Sebuah manfaat praktis tertentu desain adalah tenang sistem peluncuran terendam, yang digunakan apung rudal sendiri untuk mengangkatnya ke permukaan. A particular practical benefit of the design was the quiet submerged launch system, which used the missile's own buoyancy to lift it to the surface. |
Betapa besar kekeliruan yang ia buat dengan memendam keinginan yang salah, bukannya menyingkirkan itu dari pikirannya atau membahas persoalan itu dengan kepala keluarganya! —1 Korintus 11:3; Yakobus 1: 14, 15. What an error she made by entertaining a wrong desire, instead of dismissing it from her mind or discussing matters with her family head! —1 Corinthians 11:3; James 1:14, 15. |
Sempat terpikir untuk memendamnya sendiri, tapi aku melihat kesulitanmu di sini, di Perancis. Just thoughts I would have kept to myself, But I see your struggle here in France. |
Kepala penelitian itu, Elaine Eaker, mengatakan, ”Ada pandangan umum bahwa Anda akan sehat jika melampiaskan kemarahan dan bukannya memendamnya. . . . The director of the study, Elaine Eaker, says: “There has been a perception that you can dissipate the negative health effects of anger by letting it out instead of bottling it up. . . . |
Moose diamati suka bermain-main dengan ombak di laut dan asyik berendam dalam mata air panas. Moose have been observed playfully attacking ocean waves and blissfully bathing in hot springs. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.