What does Belgia in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word Belgia in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use Belgia in Indonesian.
The word Belgia in Indonesian means Belgium, Kingdom of Belgium, Belgique, belgium. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word Belgia
Belgiumpropernoun (country in Europe) Selaras dengan itu, tujuan gerakan ini pada dasarnya bersifat politik —untuk meraih kemerdekaan dari Belgia. Accordingly, the goal of this movement was essentially political —to establish independence from Belgium. |
Kingdom of Belgiumnoun (A country in Western Europe at the North Sea, south of The Netherlands, north of France, and west of Germany, with capital city Brussels.) |
Belgiquenoun |
Merampok bank di Belgia tak mungkin sesusah ini! Robbing a bank in Belgium can't be that hard! |
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Kebanyakan sudah pindah lama setelah negara itu berhenti menjadi koloni Belgia. Most have moved out long ago after the country ceased being a Belgian colony. |
Upaya berulang kali dari Saksi-Saksi Yehuwa untuk mengirim pengawas-pengawas yang terlatih masuk ke dalam negeri ditolak mentah-mentah oleh para pejabat Belgia. Repeated efforts of Jehovah’s Witnesses to send trained supervisors into the country were rebuffed by Belgian officials. |
Tradisi pembuatan bir di Belgia bisa ditelusuri pada awal abad pertengahan dan 6 biara Trappist masih memproduksi bir hingga kini, yang biasanya penjualannya digunakan untuk biaya operasional. The brewing tradition in Belgium can be traced back to the early Middle Ages and 6 Trappist Monasteries still produce beer, which was initially used to fund their upkeep. |
Keterlibatan Kongo Belgia (kini Republik Demokratik Kongo) dalam Perang Dunia II dimulai setelah Jerman menyerbu Belgia pada Mei 1940. The involvement of the Belgian Congo (the modern-day Democratic Republic of Congo) in World War II began with the German invasion of Belgium in May 1940. |
Jatuhnya Belgia memaksa penarikan Sekutu dari benua Eropa. The Belgian collapse forced the Allied withdrawal from continental Europe. |
Seri Jerman dialihkan dari Nürburgring ke Sachsenring dari tahun 2010 ke 2011, sedangkan seri Belgia dipindahkan dari Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps menuju Zolder. Germany's races switched from the Nürburgring to the Sachsenring from 2010 to 2011, while Belgium's races moved from the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps to Zolder. |
Dia kemudian pindah ke Eropa merumput bersama klub Belgia La Louvière dan mengahbiskan tiga musim sebelum akhirnya pindah ke klub Lille OSC di Prancis. He then earned a move to European football with Belgian side La Louvière where he spent three seasons before moving to French side Lille. |
Sebagai bagian dari Loon, Limburg Belgia akhirnya menjadi pusat berbagai kegitan, tidak hanya tentang kegiatan keagamaan tetapi juga secara politis, sampai ke Uskup pangeran Liège. As part of Loon, Belgian Limburg eventually became subject, not only spiritually but also politically, to the Prince Bishops of Liège. |
Juli 2011, Belgia menjadi negara Eropa kedua setelah Prancis yang berniat melarang burka. In July 2011, Belgium became the second European country after France to ban the burka. |
Hal ini dikarenakan Belgia baru mendapatkan kemerdekaannya pada tahun 1830, dimana banyak orang terkenal yang mungkin berasal dari, misalnya, Spanish Netherlands, juga dianggap sebagai orang "Belgia". This is because Belgium only gained its independence in 1830, while numerous historical individuals from, for example, the Spanish Netherlands, are considered to be "Belgians". |
Meskipun ia lahir di kota Belgia Hasselt dari ayah Belanda dan ibu Belgia, tinggal di Bree, Belgia dan perjalanan dengan paspor Belgia, Verstappen memutuskan untuk bersaing dengan lisensi balap Belanda karena ia menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu karting nya dikelilingi oleh orang-orang Belanda saat tumbuh dewasa di Maaseik, sebuah kota Belgia di perbatasan Belanda. Although Verstappen resided in Bree, Belgium, he decided to compete with a Dutch racing licence because he "feels more Dutch", spent more time with his father than with his mother owing to his karting activities, and was always surrounded by Dutch people while growing up in Maaseik, a Belgian town at the Dutch border. |
Proyek awal ini didanai dari pinjaman lunak sebesar 300 juta peso dari pemerintah Belgia, dan tambahan 700 juta peso dari konsorsium perusahaan yang terdiri dari SA Ateliers de Constructions Electriques de Charleroi (ACEC) dan BN Constructions Ferroviaires et Métalliques (sekarang keduanya bagian dari Bombardier Transportation), Tractionnel Engineering International (TEI) dan Transurb Consult (TC). Initial assistance for the project came in the form of a ₱300 million soft loan from the Belgian government, with an additional ₱700 million coming from a consortium of companies comprising SA Ateliers de Constructions Electriques de Charleroi (ACEC) and BN Constructions Ferroviaires et Métalliques (today both part of Bombardier Transportation), Tractionnel Engineering International (TEI) and Transurb Consult (TC). |
Les XX adalah sekelompok dua puluh pelukis, perancang dan pemahat asal Belgia yang dibentuk pada 1883 oleh pengacara, penerbit dan wirausahawan Brussels, Octave Maus. Les XX was a group of twenty Belgian painters, designers and sculptors, formed in 1883 by the Brussels lawyer, publisher, and entrepreneur Octave Maus. |
Lebih lanjut, iklan aborsi tidak akan tayang di tiga negara baru (Austria, Swiss, dan Belgia) selain negara-negara yang sudah melarang iklan ini. Furthermore, abortion ads will not be served in three new countries (Austria, Switzerland, and Belgium) in addition to the countries in which they are already prohibited. |
Revolusi Belgia pada tahun 1830 telah membagi Luksemburg menjadi dua dan mengancam kendali Belanda di sisa wilayahnya. The Belgian Revolution of 1830 had divided Luxembourg into two, threatening Dutch control of the remaining territory. |
Ada banyak yang hadir di ruang sidang, termasuk mahasiswa dari universitas setempat, wartawan, dan sejumlah Saksi-Saksi Yehuwa dari Yunani, Jerman, Belgia, dan Prancis. There were many in the courtroom, including students from the local university, journalists, and a number of Jehovah’s Witnesses from Greece, Germany, Belgium, and France. |
Sesungguhnya, Pusat Riset Epidemiologi Bencana di Belgia menyebut Filipina sebagai negeri yang paling rawan bencana di dunia. In fact, Belgium’s Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters listed the Philippines as the most disaster-prone country in the world. |
Saat ditanya mengenai pembunuhan rakyat sipil Belgia, Peiper berkelit bahwa mereka adalah partizan. When questioned about the murder of Belgian civilians, Peiper said they were partisans. |
Asistennya bilang dia sedang menuju ke Belgia. His assistant said he's on a plane to Belgium. |
Pada tahun 1596, dalam usianya yang ke-17, ia diterima dalam persekutuan penuh dengan Gereja Katolik di Leuven, Belgia. In 1596, aged seventeen, he was received into the Catholic Church at Leuven, Belgium. |
Selama Perang Dunia I Rotterdam menjadi pusat mata-mata terbesar di dunia karena netralitas Belanda dan lokasinya yang strategis di antara Britania Raya, Jerman, dan Belgia yang saat itu dikuasai oleh Jerman. During World War I the city was the world's largest spy centre because of Dutch neutrality and its strategic location in between Great-Britain, Germany and German-occupied Belgium. |
Sialnya, karya-karya tersebut (dan sebagian besar Balai Busana) dihancurkan pada Perang Dunia I. Pada 2000, kota Ypres mengakuisisi enam lukisan karya Pauwels untuk Museum Seni Rupa Munisipal mereka dengan biaya sebesar 3,250,000 Franc Belgia (sekitar 80,565 Euro) Pada 1930, Ekeren menamai sebuah jalan dengan namanya dan memasang sebuah batu peringatan. ^ "The Cloth Hall". Unfortunately, these works (and most of the Cloth Hall) were destroyed during World War I. In 2000, the city of Ypres acquired six paintings by Pauwels for their Municipal Art Museum at a cost of 3,250,000 Belgian Francs (approximately 80,565 Euros) In 1930, Ekeren named a street in his honor and installed a memorial stone. |
Itu meja bilyar khas belgia. It's very typical for Belgium. |
Dengan invasi Jerman ke Polandia pada bulan September 1939, meskipun masih mengikuti kebijakan netralitas, pemerintah Belgia mulai mobilisasi umum. With the German invasion of Poland in September 1939, although still following a policy of neutrality, the Belgian government began general mobilization. |
Dua tahun kemudian ia menerima Bintang Grootkruis in de Orde van Leopold II dari pemerintah Belgia. Two years later he was awarded the Grand Cross in the Order of Leopold II of the Belgian government. |
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Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.