What does angker in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word angker in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use angker in Indonesian.
The word angker in Indonesian means calamity, disaster, catastrophe. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word angker
calamitynoun |
disasternoun |
catastrophenoun |
See more examples
Selain itu, kucing liar bahkan telah menaklukkan gurun-gurun yang paling angker karena mereka tidak perlu minum air untuk tetap hidup —mereka dapat memperoleh semua air yang mereka butuhkan dari daging mangsa hidup mereka. In addition, feral cats have conquered even the most forbidding deserts because they do not have to drink water to survive —they can obtain all the moisture they need from the flesh of their live prey. |
Angker lagu Awful song |
Jenis Kelamin angker. You know, haunted. |
Kelihatan seperti rumah angker Looks like a haunted house. |
Aku mulai mencium bau ikan ( keanehan ) tentang keangkeran ini. I'm starting to smell something fishy about this haunting. |
Kau pernah ke tempat yang angker? Have you been in such a place? |
Flamingo kecil diperlengkapi secara unik untuk hidup dalam lingkungan yang angker ini. The lesser flamingo is uniquely equipped for life in this forbidding environment. |
Suara angker.. The spooky sounds of Hallow... |
Sedangkan tempat-tempat yang dijadikan tempat tinggal mahluk halus tersebut oleh masyarakat Kampung Naga disebut sebagai tempat yang angker atau sanget. In Svalbard, near the town of Longyearbyen is a place named for him: Sverdrupbyen ("Sverdrup Town"). |
Siapa yang bisa melupakan kelas angker Mr.Pinkus? Who can forget Mr. Pinkus's haunted classroom. |
Angker dekat. Awful close. |
Terakhir aku lihat, kamu sembunyi di rumah angker. Last time I checked, you were hiding out in a haunted house. |
Kita sudah pernah datang ke banyak rumah angker. We've been to a lot of haunted houses. |
Kelihatannya angker. Looks haunted. |
Angker nama Awful name |
Lagi-lagi... angker! Again... suspense |
Bukan rumah kosong ataupun rumah angker. Not abandoned, haunted houses. |
Aku temukan " Rumah Angker Terkenal di Nerima ". I found the famous Haunted House in Nerima. |
Dari Ratna Manggali itu Bahula tahu bahwa Calon Arang selalu membaca kitab dan tiap malam melakukan ritual angker yakni kuburan. From Ratna Manggali, Bahula learned that Calon Arang always read a scroll and every night performed a ceremony in the cemetery. |
Jadi saya menggantinya dengan angker logam dengan jaring kawat lembut dari sebuah fiber yang 15 kali lebih kuat dari baja. So I replaced the metal armature with a soft, fine mesh of a fiber 15 times stronger than steel. |
Pola yang menyerupai tengkorak dan hal-hal aneh yang berhubungan dengan supranatural dan angker telah memunculkan takhayul pada spesies Acherontia, terutama Acherontia atropos, mungkin karena spesies tersebut yang paling banyak dikenal. The skull-like pattern and its fanciful associations with the supernatural and evil have fostered superstitious fears of Acherontia species, particularly Acherontia atropos, perhaps because it is the most widely known. |
Kau punya 400 hektar hutan angker di depanmu. You got 400 acres of haunted forest in front of you. |
Tak pernah ada cerita orang mendapat undangan dari istana angker-sangar ini. I had never heard of anyone receiving an invitation from this eerie and sinister palace. |
Program ini didasarkan pada ketakutan yang nyata, dialami oleh orang-orang di tempat-tempat angker. The program is based on that real fear, experienced by people in haunted places. |
Kalian berdua terlihat serasi di tempat angker begini. A fine pair you two make in this place of death. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.