What does anak kembar in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word anak kembar in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use anak kembar in Indonesian.
The word anak kembar in Indonesian means twin, twins. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word anak kembar
twinnoun Aku mengenakan ini ketika Aku mengandung anak kembar. I wore this when I was pregnant with twins. |
twinsnoun Aku mengenakan ini ketika Aku mengandung anak kembar. I wore this when I was pregnant with twins. |
See more examples
Mereka memiliki seorang putra, John Sumner Bateson (lahir 1952), serta anak kembar yang meninggal saat masih bayi. They had a son, John Sumner Bateson (1951-2015), as well as twins who died shortly after birth in 1953. |
Aku mengenakan ini ketika Aku mengandung anak kembar. I wore this when I was pregnant with twins. |
Dan anakmu kembar. And you have twins. |
itu keluarga atau pabrik yang memproduksi anak kembar? Is it a family or an identical children producing factory? |
/ ayah anak kembar itu / father of twins |
(Yehuwa dapat membaca pola genetis anak kembar yang belum dilahirkan itu. (Jehovah was able to read the genetic pattern of the unborn twins. |
Portia, aku akan punya anak kembar. Portia, I'm having twins. |
Kau masih khawatir tentang anak kembar itu? You still worried about those twins? |
Abraham akhirnya meninggal pada umur 175 tahun, ketika anak kembar itu berumur 15 tahun. Abraham finally died at 175 years of age, when the twins were 15 years old. |
Ribka melahirkan anak kembar, Esau dan Yakub. She gives birth to the twins Esau and Jacob. |
Bagaimana Yehuwa menyingkapkan siapa dari antara kedua anak kembar yang akan dipilihnya? How did Jehovah reveal which one of the twins he would choose? |
Setelah melahirkan anak kembar pada 2008, Lopez mengambil cuti dari kariernya. Following the birth of her twins in 2008, Lopez took a break from her career. |
Anak kembar kijang. The twins of a gazelle. |
Jadi, anak kembar ini bahagia. So, these twins are happy. |
Ya, tapi banyak orang membuat anak kembar. Yeah, but a lot of people make twins. |
Ia melahirkan anak kembar. She delivered twins. |
Kau mengandung anak kembar.. You're having twins. |
Dia dan suaminya punya anak kembar tiga. She and her husband have triplets. |
Mereka adalah anak kembar. They are apparently twins. |
Anak kembar adalah nyawa dari coven Gemini. Twins are the lifeblood of the Gemini coven. |
Ternyata Esaulah anak kembar yang sulung, dan Yakub anak kembar yang kedua. Esau proved to be the firstborn, and Jacob the second twin. |
Aku juga bisa membuat anak kembar! I can make twins also! |
Aku punya anak kembar. I'm having twins. |
Para Nazi mempercayai bahwa anak kembar bisa menyikap misteri dari genetika The Nazis believed that twins could unravel the mysteries of genetics |
Jika sifat ini benar-benar bawaan secara genetika, bukankah semua anak kembar akan memilikinya? If this trait were really genetically programmed, would not all the twins have it? |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.